Friday, September 29, 2017

Review our bus network

I took a bus from my home to Country Garden's sales office in Cecil Street and took a bus from there to my office.

The first journey took more than 1 hour and the return journey about 1 hour.

The bus has to crawl slowly and stop every 0.2 km, or therabouts. Each journey must have taken more than 30 stops.

I was quite comfortably seated. However, the journey time was too long.

We need a better way to manage our bus network. I prefer our main bus services to stop every 2 km (or about 5 stops) and for the intermediate stops to be served by a feeder bus. It will cut down the time taken for each journey.

It is easy to change from a main service to a feeder service. The change is done at the same bus stop.

I have written about this concept in this article.

Many transit systems in other cities around the world use this approach, i.e. to have the main service make fewer stops and for the intermediate stops to be served by a feeder service.

In fact, our MRT system works on this concept.

I hope that our town planners will consider my proposal.

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