Friday, September 29, 2017

Visit to Country Garden Sales Gallery in Singapore

I could not make an internet transfer for my remaining payment for the purchase of my apartment in Forest City as the amount exceeded the transfer limit allowed by my bank.

I had to write a cheque. I could not rely on Singapore Post to deliver the cheque, as it might get lost. I decided to take a bus to Country Garden office at GB Building, 143 Cecil Street.

They have an impressive model of Forest City in the office, which acts as the sales gallery. However, it was rather quiet.

I approached the reception to make my payment.

It was manned by a very pretty girl. She could not speak English fluently. So, I spoke to her in English mixed with Mandarin.

TKL - Are you from China?
Girl - Yes.
TKL - Which part of China?
Girl - Fujian
TKL - Do you speak Hokkien?
Girl - Yes.
TKL - How long have you been in Singapore?
Girl - Ten years.

Surprise! She looked like this is her first job!

TKL - How old are you?
Girl - Twenty.

Okay, this is her first job. She came to Singapore to study and now work her.

Okay, if you are keen to see this pretty girl, go to Country Garden Sales Gallery at 143 Cecil Street to see the model of Forest City and to chat with her.

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