Saturday, June 16, 2018

Adopt a "give and take" approach

Someone said:
MY has always been quick to play to their own advantage whenever dealing with us. In Dr M's case, he was even willing to give up obvious advantages in order to put obstacles in SG's path. S'poreans should always expect a govt that looks after S'pore 1st and always!

My reply:
During Dr. M's first term as PM (and that stretches many years), I assessed him to be pro-Malaysia and not anti-Singapore).

Although there were big diffierences in view, e.g. water agreement, sale of sand, use of air space), I felt that both sides were trying to outdo each other. If a more "give and take" approach had been adopted, it would have been better.

We now have the chance to take a new approach, and I hope that our current leaders in Singapore can act differntly.

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