Saturday, June 16, 2018

Can we trust politicians?

Someone said:
Dr.M is still the same old politician. And I usually don't place too much trust on politicians.They like to say different things at different events.

My reply.
I also say different things on different occasions. I am not being dishonest. I have to convey the message in a manner that is relevent to the audience.

But the basic message is the same. There are different perspectives to that message.

For example, the key message coming from the Malaysia side is that they cannot afford the cost of the HSR at this time. They don't have the money.

The different perspectives are - to cancel the project, or to delay it to a future date when they have the money. Both perspectives are honest and acceptible.

Life is not just black and white. We have to accept that there are many "rights".

Do I trust Dr. Mahathir? Yes, I do.

Do I trust Lee HL? Yes, I do . I disagree with him on many of his policies, but I do trust that he is doing what he thinks is right for Singapore.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. All politicians the world over say different things at different times.
    Dr M has his own faults, during his first premiership, he changed the Constitution to concentrate too much power in his hands as PM, a system that Najib adopted which made the latter a power control freak at all costs, leading to his downfall.
    Next, the Dr practiced nepotism, helping family members to gain business opportunities and become very wealthy.
    But Dr M knows merit of handing over Govt reins to others when time is ripe, unlike the PAP leaders who dun retire, but stay on as SM, MM or Emeritus and continue to influence politics. But his appointed successors failed the grade, forcing the old fox out of retirement.
    Dr is a patriot of Malaysia, but dun mean he's anti Singapore. During a private gathering in the late 1980s, he told a group of Singaporeans that he loves Singapore, but dislike the PAP Govt. And the Dr demonstrated his soft spot for Singaporeans when he helped a group to get back their K.L. properties purchased just before the Asian Financial crisis, from a collapsing listed Developer.
    Kudos to the DR, who realized the wrongs he had done before, and now he's U turning to address the political situation, so can say he's a changed man, different from his past. Also different towards our Govt?
    Let's see whether our new leaders can handle him or not. We have time, the Dr dun have this luxury, this a consolation.
    Coming to LHL, besides a control power hungry freak, he does care about
    Singapore. Why he has to keep on building mega projects?
    He can't stop, as these projects are the only way to root down large foreign MNCs, these foreigners create employment for our U and diploma graduates and business for local SMEs sub contractors doing support work. But folks here have to return Govt's favour in creating jobs and business for us, in form of hiking GST, fees, COEs and other costs.
    Can't have the whole cake and eat it as well, folks, get the message?
    Every single resident here has to do national service, have to pay and pay and pay.
