Friday, August 10, 2018

People in power

There are two types of people - those who take care of themselves and their wealth and those who take care of the welfare of others.

The first type are able to earn more than 1 million dollars annually, if they are capable. The other type are capable but they earn a more modest income.

If the first type are people in power, they will manage the system to preserve their power and privilelge and pass them to their children. They are the elites.

It is sad that Singapore is being led by people of the first type. The future for the ordinary people is bleak.

It is better to have the second type to lead Singapore.

Do you agree?


  1. The depth of most groundwork had been laid before he went. We have inherited solid systems and processes tailored to us. For time being we should be fine, even if we are being led by goats or wolves.

  2. When one has money qualified to speak in many languages. When a person really got no money can only have energy to speak half a language.

  3. If one put their ear to the groundswell and hear what people are complaining about, its all for their own benefit only. Taxi drivers are angry about Grab, parents complain about their children not being able to get into their choices of schools, old lonely ones complain their children have no tome for them, teenagers complain they have no room of their own. How are they able to listen to all these and take action? Not possible. So if one is clever just ignore those selfish people. That is what is happening.

  4. We need both types of people.
