Friday, August 10, 2018

What makes a good minister?

ESM Goh Chok Tong made the following points about picking government ministers:

a) The person must already been earning more than $500,000 - otherwise, he or she is considered as "mediocre".
b) Salary is not the starting point for looking for ministers.

Although salary is not the starting point, he must have already ruled out anyone who earns less than $500,000 as that person is "mediocre".

If salary is not the criteria, what is the criteria?

Apparently, the criteria seemed to be that the person must have held a top position in the military, civil service, profession or a big company.

It seems that leadership is quite important - I agree. But the selection process seemed to lack two key elements:

a) Values and beliefs - what does the minister believe in? Is he pro-business or pro-people? Why does he hold these values?

b) Experience - does he have experience and understanding of the ministry that he is supposed to head? Or, is he just going to learn on the job?

I believe that the selection process of the PAP government is flawed.

1 comment:

  1. The most important criteria is to make Singaporean happy and comfortable and rich.
