Thursday, December 27, 2018

Leong Sze Hian Defense Fund

The Independent website posted an article on crowd funding for Leong Sze Hian's defence fund.

The link to that article was not blocked last night. Several people reported that they were not able to access it.

They suspected that the "authority" had deliberated blocked the link.

If this was the case, it would be a very shameful and despicable act. The "authority" is supposed to uphold the law and to act non-partisan. The act of blocking the article would amount to "abuse of power" or, some might describe it as "state terrorism".

I hope that the "authority" will make a statement to deny this suspicion.

Anyway, the link is available this morning.

It is important for citizens to make a bold statement that they strongly disagree with the action of the PM to file a defamation suit, and also the suspected action of the "authority" to block the link, if only for a short period.

A good way to express your view is to donate generously to the LSH defence fund.

You can donate any sum. I suggest $10 or more. Details are
Mr Leong is hoping to raise at least $10,000 for his defence fund. You may contribute through the following channels:
Leong Sze HianPOSB Savings 064064070Paynow S0009739ZPaypal

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Leong needs many times more than 10K to fight this Goliath and David legal case.
    Very careless for a bright man, becoming someone's sacrificial lamb.
    Very soon we would also be sued for labelling them stupid, incompetent fools.

  2. Should just say dishonorable PM. Sure no kenna sue? Very safety.
