Thursday, December 27, 2018

Misleading statements by Jason Koh

One person called Jason Koh said that Leong Sze Hian stays in a landed house at Serangoon Gardens. He is rich enough to pay for his own legal fees.

I suspect that Jason Koh works for the despised Internet Brigade.

I have fetched Mr Leong to his house a few years ago. His house is old, single storey and unrenovated. I think it was handed down to him by his parents.

I do not think that Mr. Leong is rich, as alleged by Jason Koh. I ask Jason Koh to do his due diligence, before making misleading statements.

Anyway, this is besides the point. I urge all citizens to support the Leong Sze Hian Defence fund generously.

We need to send a strong message to PM Lee that his legal suit for defamation is unacceptable. It amounts to bullying. PM Lee is well off and should not use his wealth to intimidate people. If he is honorable, he should offer to pay the legal expenses of both parties.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. Don't pass judgement on others or you might be judged yourself.
    Brian Cohen-to Jason Koh.

    Choosing and micro-select who should be sued is plainly wrong- to PM.
