Sunday, December 02, 2018

Our tax system punishes the middle class

Rachel Ash said.
Mr Tan. Our current tax system "punishes" the middle class. The "poor" does not pay tax while the rich have the means to pay "little" tax through clever accounting and personal expenses deducted as company's expense.

The middle class literally pays full tax as most are civil servants or purely salaried person. Hence, it is the middle class who is "supporting" the poor and not the rich.

As a citizen, I never cheat on my taxes because I felt it is a social responsibility. I have gotten to the extend of writing in to the IRS informing them that I forgotten to pay tax on a certain income that occurred 10 years ago. It was done NOT out of fear but plainly did NOT want our authorities to give excuse that we are evasive in helping our needy in society.

Unfortunately, the less than prudent spending by our government of white elephants (expensive computer system that cannot connect is left to rot; rubbish bin which can buy a BTO 5 room flat; Brompton bicycle because some civil servants got expensive backside; Herman M chairs that cost $500 plus for office in civil service departments; etc........

Moving the country forwards takes two hands to clap.

I agree with your views.

1 comment:

  1. Only two classes benefit in our Singapore system, the poor or the super rich, woe betide the sandwich category, have to work till you drop dead.
    Everyone knows.
