Sunday, December 02, 2018

Vote non PAP - you will win either way

Half of the respondents of a poll preferred the non PAP parties to work together to win the general election and form the next govt. This will allow the bad policies to be changed.

The other half preferred that they win at least one third of the seats in Parliament.

The option to form a new govt requires the non PAP parties to form a coalition and to contest under one logo. This is not likely to happen. The SDP had called a meeting of the non PAP parties and asked Dr. Tan Cheng Bock to lead the coalition. He was open to that idea at that meeting.

However, there was no further development since that meeting. The grapevine reported that Dr. Tan is forming a new party. We will have yet another new party.

The unhappiness with the policies of the current PAP govt seems to be quite widespread among most segments of the society. There is clearly a yearning for change. Most people want to see change.

It is quite likely that there will be three strong non PAP parties at the next general election - the Workers Party, the SDP and Dr. Tan's new party.

What about the other parties that contested unsuccessfully at the previous election and the new party formed by Lim Tean? Tean's party seemed to have quite a good following and has a large impact in social media.

It will be best for these smaller parties to join one of the three major parties. (I am giving credit to Dr. Tan's party as being a major party). Being a new party, it is likely to be able to attract the merger of the smaller parties.

The next best thing for the non-PAP supporters is to see three major non PAP parties contesting the next general election against the PAP. It should be easy for these non PAP parties to have an understanding of the constituencies that they should be contesting, e.g. WP in the east, Dr Tan's party in the west and SDP in the north and central.

The widespread unhappiness may bring about a 15% to 20% swing against the PAP. This could lead to the non PAP parties taking over 15 to 25 seats in Parliament. It will be a healthier state of affairs for Singapore.

The PAP will still govern. But they will have to change some of their bad policies to avoid the risk of being kicked out of govt at the following general election. This change will be welcomed.

What if the PAP loses the majority in Parliament? They are likely to form a coalition with one of the other parties. It would be a good outcome.

My message to the people is - vote non PAP. You will win either way.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Its a great feeling when we can find a link with something we hadn't previously felt any sense of such familiarity.Xièxiè . We need oppositions not to go against or destabilize the government or country, but to put things right like Mahatir who got up from his grave. Not that we like that man who gave his sons favour during his rule, but the very least he is trying to make the crooks pay.

  2. it is unhealthy to have a one party rule in today's world.
