Wednesday, December 26, 2018

WTOC - Jam at the causeway and second link

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd:

What is the cause of the jam in the causeway and second link?

Here are the responses: (39 Votes)
72 % - It is due to a deliberate attempt by the Singapore authority to slow down the clearance process.
15 % - It is due to tit for tat by both govts.
10 % - It is due mainly to the December crowd going to Malaysia.
3 % - It is a temporary problem and will be solved soon.

See the pie chart at:

1 comment:

  1. Even my 5 year old grandchild said, if everybody goes to Malaysia to shop, then no business for our own shopping malls.
    Can't even bluff a 5 year old.
