Thursday, January 17, 2019

A hub and spoke system for public transport

In 2009, I contributed an article that was published in the Straits Times. I suggested that our public transport system should be re-organized to use hub and spoke system system. This system works as follows:

a) Feeder buses take passengers within a town and to the MRT stations and express bus hubs.
b) Express bus services take the passengers from one town to another. They make limited stops along the way.
c) The hub and spoke system is adopted successfully by airlines to bring passengers from airports in small towns to the hubs where they connect to other large airports and, if necessary, change to a smaller airline to their final destination.

The Land Transport Authority was not interested to explore this concept at that time. I do not know why. Nobody bothered to follow up on my proposal or to talk to me.

I wish to update this proposal, considering the developments during the past ten years.

Please read my updated proposal and give up your vote (agree, disagree).

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