Friday, January 25, 2019

Abuse of Court Process, Hong Lim Park 26 jan 2019

I was very disappointed to see the registration for this event to be so little (only 11 people). Most of them occur very late.

For people who urge me to stand for the next general election, why are you not willing to be counted by registering and attending this event?

Maybe you think that you have other important things to do. What about me? You think that I do not have important things to do, right?

I like to see the 100 places taken up today. If not, you should not expect me to come forward at the next general election.

In the future, come forward immediately to show your support. If you cannot come, you can withdraw later. It is important to give the right support for people whom you like to speak out for you.

Please share this post.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. 26th Jan is too near CNY, many people have early Reunion Dinners, then busy making preparations for the whole family travel abroad. Needing to relieve living pressures, we switch mind over serious things, the once a year family bonding is priority.
    Better to schedule such meetings at Hong Lim Park till early March.

  2. Real support is not counted by number registered. The crowd today speaks for itself. Calmness and coolness are expected of those who intend to lead.
