Friday, January 25, 2019

Finding the solution to a complex problem

Edward Sky You have asked an important question - what is the right approach to deal with a complicated situation.

I will give some thought to this question and write a separate post. Here are some preliminary thoughts:

a) Like Dr. M, I do not expect things to be right all the time. Even angels make mistakes
b) Like Dr. M, I like to face acknowledge the mistakes and find the right way.

I do not like the approach of our Sg leaders - think that they are right and only they can correct themselves (and they do a bad job about it). I will suggest how to change this approach.

Some small minded people will attack me for being a fan of Dr. M. I am not. I can see his good points, when it happens.

I am still pro-Singapore. But I understand common interest and being big minded. So, I think differently from our Sg leaders.

Tan Kin Lian

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