Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Make your view count

I post my suggestions on how to improve life in Singapore by changing some existing govt policies. I carry out my research and thought over the issue carefully before posting my views. My suggestions cover national service, HDB, CPF and other issues.

Some of these suggestions reflect a govt that is incompetent or out of touch with the real issues facing the people.

Some of my friends worry that the people in power will be offended by my suggestions and may target me in legal and other means. They ask me to be careful and avoid offending them.

Should I keep quiet?

Read my view here:


  1. If Mr Tan is the typical citizen feeling like the crab in the wet market with legs and claws tightly bound with strings, then he should lie low.
    Wait a minute, even the poor crab has liberty to move its mouth and its two feelers.

  2. There is nothing to fear as long as we stay on the path of truth. If telling the truth is a crime, then I rather by jailed than keep my mouth shut.

