Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Training by inexperienced officers

I met a former NS officer who is now in his 50s. His son has just completed full time National Service.

He made some insightful observation on the training of our NS recruits. It worried me.

He told me that many of our NS recruits are training by NCO and officers of the same age. He said that this is a bad approach. He objected to it.


  1. Should overhaul entirely the SAF operation, those in Authoritative positions may even be younger than the recruits in reservice and act macho with pride, trying to show off his power over his charges.
    When young NS reservice boys die needlessly in reservice, wonder the Defence Minister and the Commanding Officers would ever live in peace.
    There is Kama and retribution in life, the latter often falls on the descendants.
    Paying lip service, negligence, incompetence, resistance to change in SOP are making us angry.

    How many more of our precious sons dying in Camp would shake Govt out of its slumber. If our sons die on the battle field we parents would wear the badge of honour with immense pride, but not out of negligence in the Camp.

  2. Improvement much much already .Isnt it true that it rejected sent one dead son in a coffin home request by the single mum?
    Mother was so distraught she had to no one to turn to except for CSJ?
