Sunday, January 06, 2019

On line voting system

The Democracy website shows an example of an online voting system.

It allows the voter to vote online not just for one ballot (e.g. the MP for your constituency) but also for other ballots (e.g. referendum issues and town council representative).

The votes are stored in two databases. The [Audit] function compares the results of the two databases and report any mismatch (e.g. some votes have been fraudulently altered or hacked).

Try it.
Give your votes to the issues.
After voting, you can see the results (in real life, the results appear at the end of the voting day.

Click on [Audit] to compared the results in the two database.

You will also notice that the online voting is secured by encryption using https:// This stops hackers from intercepting the votes.

Try it.

Tan Kin Lian

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