Monday, January 07, 2019

WOTC - Impression of Lee HY

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd:

What are your impression of Lee HY?

Here are the responses: (41 Votes)
46 % - He has different values from his elder brother.
37 % - He is humble and more in touch with ordinary people.
12 % - He has received special treatment because of his father.
5 % - He is from the Lee family. I dislike him.

See the pie chart at:


  1. Agree with the 5%. LHY is just as opportunistic as his dishonourable brother.
    Those who attended the last Pacific Breweries AGM (before the listed Company was delisted and sold to foreigners) will be able to gauge his character first hand. Banking on his father's presence to gain many money making opportunities, cashing out his generous PB's options shares upon the Sale, letting our icon Tiger Beer fall into foreign hands.
    Ditto with his sister, all Lees are of the same genes, serving only self interests and greed.

  2. Money is the root of all evil. We know of families taking each other to court over money but never heard of such cases of cheating through a will. Unbelievable that they are people who has money to last them 10 generations.

    "Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s share increased under the Last Will. AGC also noted that Mr Lee Hsien Yang had said publicly that the Last Will WAS DRAFTED by Ms Kwa Kim Lee of M/s Lee & Lee. However Ms Kwa Kim Lee has DENIED that she drafted it,” it added.

    If Cheng Bock accepts such kind of human in his party, his party is disaster.
