Sunday, July 07, 2019

Double murder in Woodlands highlight need for financial planning

You must have followed the news about the double murder in Woodlands and the criminal trial of the husband and father who had admitted to the murders.

He was in financial distress partly due to gambling. But I suspect that the main cause was the loss of income from his job. He must have taken to gambling in the hope of earning some income.

I do not wish to comment on the relationship within the family.

However, I want to point out that the risk of a severe loss of income due to loss of job or poor business affects every working person.

The consequence can be quite harsh in the absence of a good system to provide support and financial assistance to families in need.

It is very important for every young family to have proper financial planning to deal with this big risk.

I advise young people to attend this talk on financial planning - so that you can be financially strong to deal with this risk.

Do not ignore this risk. Attend this talk and follow the simple ten tips. They are usually.

Parents should send their adult children to attend this talk as well.

1 comment:

  1. Lack of money translates lack of financial planning. No money no honey. No money no talk.
