Sunday, July 07, 2019

Give up a child for adoption

If a family is in financial distress and is not able to provide for their children, it is better for them to give a child for adoption by other parents who can better provide for the child.

I share this story of a wealthy family who have adopted children.


  1. Pai say right? A country which is considered wealthy by Asian standards still have families in such dire state. Heartbreaking.

  2. !) Difficult to get good jobs.

    2) One income family.

    3) Property cooling measures degrade agent's livelihood.

    4) CPF force contribution lesson bring home pay.

    5) High price of public housing and childcare.

    6) Mental health and stress.

    7)His only hope was to gamble.

    8) When one cannot afford to pay bills you dead either way.

    This chap failed his family. The system failed him.
