Thursday, October 03, 2019

Quora: Will the US regain its dominance over China?

Lance Chambers
Lance Chambers, Been involved in US politics since Kennedy assassination.

It’s no longer about China and the USA. It’s now about an age-old situation where nations grow, become dominant, and then fade. It seems like an inevitable ending of great nations and today it appears that the US is going through exactly the same phase.
It has nothing to do with China it has to do with the American people and how they have evolved over the last century or so.
Nations start off hungry to move beyond what they have been and had in the past. They grow, some become very powerful while others fade. Then progress reaches a point where they seem to believe they are the best, the greatest, the most important, the smartest, the leaders of the free world, etc. You get the idea!
However, all this hubris leads to pride, complacency, feelings of greatness, of being unassailable and this leads to a situation where the nation seems to believe it is invulnerable. Today China is proving the fact that political and national evolution occurs and America is feeling that pain and the horror of the reality of its growing fall into obscurity and derision from nations that used to hold it in high esteem.
China will take over of that there is no doubt, but, even China will be surpassed, in the future by another nation that can offer something better to its people and maybe the world and then the cycle starts again.

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