Thursday, October 03, 2019

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Shooting of the young protester in Hong Kong
2. What happened to the United Nations?
3. The behavior of Singaporeans need to improve.
4. How do you describe the 4G leaders?

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  1. Clue about citizens roughly 3.5 million. How many clue are true blue Singaporeans? Population we read somewhere was about 5.5 million. Where did all these people come from? Third world?

    "3. The behavior of Singaporeans need to improve."

  2. When we drive we need 4 pairs of eyes. 1 more pair beside our heads, one on top and 1 pair behind. When accidents happen the design of the roads are never at fault. How cad green lights are on for both pedestrians and motorists at the same time? Are lives that unimportant? Fuckin' leaders.

  3. Traffic lights shuld either half green/ half red if turning right means one needs to stop for pedestrians in front of them when turning right. Or green mixes with red means brown. At the moment there's nothing kind of warning. I personally saw a car had to stop abruptly when another car from left side straight hit the corner and the car spun around before it came to a
    stop at the side of a curb.
