Friday, February 07, 2020

Be positive and supportive

If someone puts up a suggestion and I generally agree with the concept, I show my support for it.

I want to be positive and supportive. it is difficult for a new idea to be accepted. I want to encourage it.

If I have strong reasons to disagree, I will polite give my point of view and provide the facts (as I know them) and my reasons.

I will not suggest that the other person's view is wrong. I may have misread that view, or may not have the facts that the other person has.

I do not want to appear "clever". I also avoid judging the other person's view.

It is rude to disagree with another person's view just because one has a different view. This attitude is arrogant and disrespectful.


  1. A few years ago my son brought home his girlfriend for the first time. We live in a HDB. She holds a Masters degree. My son is a graduate. She brought her 3 small dogs and let loose around our house. My wife politely told her told her that though she did not dislike animals, she was upset about furs all over the house. She has neither talk to us or come over since. Since than they have applied for an executive flat together. My son still live with us.

  2. Some people who have married children said that if one have a son, you are just rearing him for someone else. A daughter tend to be yours. Maybe its just a generalisation?
