Friday, February 07, 2020

How to provide an excellent call center service?

Are you fed up with the "terrible call center experience" that is provided by most organizations?

Do you like a new approach, e.g. one that is described here?


  1. They don't know how badly they are doing, that's the reason why they can't improve. More profits first, service last. Its everywhere now.

  2. Anyone ever tried dealing with refinancing bank officers? After pressing more than 5 buttons the hotline\ mainline operator told you to hang on. The bank officer line rang and rang and rang and rang. You than hear a voice message telling you ' the person is not available please leave a message after the tone.' A new message than came on ' sorry, the voicemail is full, please call again later.' Call again next day or whatever and the exercise to futility is repeated.

  3. Some time back I went to Buona Vista (Holland Drive) police post to make a report on lost IC. It was raining heavily. The glass door was lock, but the light was on. I checked the opening hours and a number to call for enquiries on the front glass door. The time when I arrived was supposed to be a an opening time. I knocked d on the glass door but to no avail. I than called the hotline number. The person than told me maybe the police officer could be in the toilet. Next minute he came out from a room and was trying to neaten his ruffled hair. When he unlocked the front door , I stepped in and peeped at the room he came out from. It had sofas in there. I could be wrong but was under the impression that he had been sleeping. Or maybe there was a toilet inside the sofa room. In the first place the front door should not be lock. People had to take time to go to that police post.
