Friday, March 20, 2020

Quora: Do you believe the US might be more efficient compared to China responding to an emergency like an epidemic virus?

Bob MacKenzie, former Business Owner and Manager. at Private Business Self Employed Thinker (1973-2019)

The A(H1N1) flue has been killing people in the USA since October 2019 and is still killing people there.

There are about 250,000 or more people hospitalized with it and about 14000 or more people have died from it. US travelers have been spreading the disease around the world since October infecting and killing unknown numbers of people.

Have you seen any attempts to stop the flu killing so many people in the US not to mention the world?

NO, of course not. The US MSM has focused your attention on the Covid-19 virus attacking China that has infected about 65000 world wide and killed about 1700.

China is not the problem, the USA is the problem.

This A(H1N1) strain is a more dangerous flu strain than the Covid-19 virus and was a pandemic virus in 2009. CDC estimates the A(H1N1) virus could kill as many as 30,000 people in the USA alone before it stops in 2020.

The USA government obviously does not have the ability to do anything for the people of the USA except feed them a line of feel good propaganda and watch them die.

1 comment:

  1. I have learnt three important lessons from Covid-19:

    (1) Freedom is something we always take for granted until you lose it. Cherish your freedom. You never know when you will be served a quarantine order.

    (2) Hoarding is not a stupid thing to do. We had always insisted we must have all the basic necessities, groceries and cleaning agents stored away, in case of emergencies. Not to mention our three-tiered freezer was filled to the brim with frozen food. This availed us the welcomed option of fresh home cooked meals.

    (3) Thank God for the internet. Otherwise, we would have been bored to death.
