Friday, March 20, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Is it a good decision for Malaysia to impose a ban on international travel?
2. What is the best way to stop the spread of the virus?

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  1. Can a personal generalisation on the property market to mislead a POFMA? Or the rules are only for some?

  2. This one, not pofma. When see advert said bedroom can fit a queen size bed means some don't like small space for sex. We not getting hong kong style.

  3. Some ex-pats might lose their jobs here. When they do, owners who only have sufficient from rents to service loans
    might want to sell at reasonable pricing. Other than that, prices for resale will not go down. More than half of the advertisements on the property websites were about two years or even older and they are still sticking it out for their asking prices. They do not bother if their property is stale on the market.
