Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wasted 1 hour to make a payment

I wasted one hour to make a payment to my employee for their salary for this month.
DBS has a ridiculous system under the online platform for business customers. It is called Ideal 3.


  1. No such thing as user-friendly. The policies; product and services are catered not based on the heart. It is all maximum profits to the brim by cutting staffs and bringing in robots. Our way or the highway? I never like DBS. They live on their brand and the salary that the CEO is paid. That is what the government and these banks have in common. They are not out to do the people a favor, but to look after shareholders.

  2. I still using Nokia. Very old. Cannot do many things. But I happy. Upgrade all the time. When can stop.

  3. For those who grew up with technology, they are not put off balance with will it ever end changes and catching up.

    For others, it is about being dizzy and getting stabilise. Once you do, something changes again.
