Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. What is the best way for a business to cut cost during an economic downturn?
2. What is the main reason for the increase in covid-19 cases?

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  1. All these small little things made a big difference during difficult times.

    It seems like Covid-19 is not going away soon. Please adhere to all the health and travel advisories by the Singapore government. Do check your email regularly for any updates by our WSH committee.

    Practise social distancing. Stay safe and stay home as much as you can.

    Today each and every human on this earth have no differences or opinions on one thing. Whatever color, size, language or religion, all living things face an unwelcome enemy.

  2. *A valuable recommendation*:👌

    Use non-dominant hand (left hand for right handed people) for door-knobs, transport and bathroom, because it is much more difficult for you to touch your face with that hand.
    In Korea they widely spread this premise, and it worked.

  3. From my Sister in law who is working in the Healthcare industry:

    My company has issued a warning that there is a *scam call* going around:
    they claim to be from MOH and say that you have come in contact with a COVID case. they will ask for your name, NRIC and personal information.

    do not give them any information. in doubt ask the caller for their name, and call back MOH hotline:
    6325 9220
