Saturday, March 14, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. When do you expect general election to be called in Singapore?
2. Is it acceptable to hold a general election in the midst of the corona virus epidemic?

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  1. The healthy political freedom of debate is not going to parliament to ask questions why and the irritable PAP members

    already have their own opinion of the standard answers. The one and only monopolise immaculate answer.

    Monopolisation restricts free and open ideas.

    Why not the opposition parties were to select any two as NMP. Rules and conditions were then put in place that

    that they were not supposed to be there to create ruckus but contribute for or against a policy. Pap should not have the

    audacity to shoot down any good proposals from " just because they are not my favourite opposition" who is here to

    to make me look silly. The opposition should be grateful for what PAP has done or tried to do and not just there to

    criticize or going to war with them. In a genuinely free market, people have the right to the best solutions, not the best

    men. The law should get involved before putting putting "social ills" in parliament every part of the ones body should

    swear under oath that there is no foreign connection or funding involved. People like the one hiding in Australia(could be

    Alex) who has nothing but the bad intention should be permanently barred. Share Share not Siar Suay.

  2. The outlook is rather grim.
