Saturday, March 14, 2020

WOTC - Stimulus measures in budget 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd: 87% of the participants are disappointed with the stimulus measures implemented in Budget 2020 for three reasons. 13% are happy with the measures.


  1. Why property prices will not drop? I have the intention of selling my private property. I had two banks to do the

    valuation on the property and was astonished that both banks valued it at high prices. By reasoning, not a lot of owners

    will want to sell below bank valuation? But what the bank valued and what the buyers are willing to pay could be

    another matter.

  2. The property will be the last toh tio.

  3. Normally clients will pay to a bank who would not insult their property by lower valuations. Banks want your business, and news will spread not to go to a certain bank because they tend to value your property lower.
    Enbloc land valuation a lot of inside politics. If the reserve price say is 450 million, the property agents will value it slightly lower to 488 million. Just go check on past records. No matter what kind of protection is put in, and caused long and tedious delays hanging up peoples homes, business is still a business going through the protocol. Only known by insiders. Trust me.
