Thursday, April 02, 2020

Practical measures adopted in Turkey

I saw a video of the measures taken in Italy to provide hand sanitizers and sanitizing stations for the public to use at public locations. View video.

I was impressed with it. I like their approach where the government provides the facilities to help the public to combat the corona virus.

I contrast it with the approach adopted in Singapore where the government expect employers and businesses to implement social distancing, temperature recording and recording of contact tracing details.

These measures are not as effective as the sanitizing facilities provided by the Turkey government.

I am worried about the stop work order that is being issued by the ministry of manpower for workplaces that do not allow their workers to telecommute. MOM officials may not understand that these telecommuting measures may be difficult to monitor.

I expect the measures adopted in Turkey to be less disruptive to businesses and the workers. They are also likely to be more effective in combating the spread of the virus.

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