Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Quora: What do you think of Trump saying that the U.S. is going to seek compensation from China over COVID-19?

Kevin Randolf, Self Employed, answered

What for?

The truth, and that's what any court outside the USA looks at, is that the USA had as much warning and probably more than everyone in the world and yet failed to respond indeed it played politics and lied to its population about the seriousness of the pandemic, taking no real steps to address the issue until 8 weeks after most of the world!

The USA also had at least 12 personnel within the WHO during the entire progress of this outbreak!

However I would suspect that Iraq's people have a rock solid case against the USA for the 2nd Iraq war and subsequent theft of it's oil assets amongst other things!

This is backed up solid evidence and even confessions!

We all know that America considers itself above the law anyway so nothing will happen, hell if you're American you can drive on the wrong side of the road in a foreign country and kill someone and your government will help you escape!

So I hope you'll excuse the world when it doesn't agree with America, yet again, refusing to take responsibility for it's own actions and continually blaming others!

Your credibility is zero!

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