Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A sense of proportion

I said that the corona virus is mild in a warm climate, like in Singapore. It does not cause the same harm as in cold climate. Someone commented - Going by your argument, Beijing is now hot and in the beginning of summer....the virus would have died a natural death, yet 100 cases were detected! Here is my response to him: Alamak. 100 cases? How many deaths? In a city of 10 million people? Where is your sense of proportion? How many people die in Beijing every day from other causes? Not only ministers are insane. Many sinkies are also insane!


  1. indeed, these days a lot of people in singapore lost sense of simple sound risk understanding and risk management, they tend to overcook the risk management controls to err on the dumb safe side, forgeting the other adverse impacts due to reputational risk, kiasi, fear of loss of high paying jobs, etc
    and especially in a ministerial taskforce committee, it becomes a kiasi herd mentality cooking up and agreeing with one another to look good, look safe,

  2. They can take back my $600 and put the 90 billion back in reserves.

  3. In 2019, China's population stands at 1.418 billion. China's population is equivalent to 18.4

    of the world population total. China ranks number one in the list of nations by population.
