Monday, June 15, 2020

Look at both sides

Many workers look at the employment contract from their own perspective. They want the best terms for themselves. They seek the employer who can provide the best terms. Some of them were able to find an employer who can pay them well.  If they are fortunate, they will have a good job for many years, maybe for their whole working career.  Some may not be that lucky. The may lose their job when the employer finds another person who is more capable, more productive or less expensive. Some struggle to find a good employer who can pay well. In their search for their ideal job, they may overlook good opportunities. These come from employers who may not be able to pay them well now, but can offer a good future to the right candidate.  What do I mean? Instead of looking at what the employer can offer to the worker, the worker should also look at what they can offer to the employer and how they can really contribute to the growth of the business. If the business grows and become successful, the hard working workers who have contributed to the growth will be valuable to the business. They will have to opportunity to be promoted to better paying jobs in the company. The workers who think only of themselves, and are not willing to think of the interest of the employer, will miss this opportunity. My advice to young people - be aware of this opportunity.

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