Sunday, June 14, 2020

An arrogant government that refuse to listen

A friend asked me a question about Medishield Life during a zoom meeting. I gave an answer to his question. I also said that there are many practical issues about Medishield Life that confuse the ordinary people.  A friend said - Kin Lian, you are an expert in insurance. If you know of the problem why don't you bring it to the people in charge. Surely that is more constructive than complaining about it? The remark made by this person reflect the thinking of many people in Singapore. They pass judgment about me, without understanding the facts. I told him that I had sent a few dozen suggestions to the government on many issues, including issues where I am an expert.  The government agencies and the ministers do not care. They are just arrogant.  In most cases, they do not even reply or acknowledge the feedback or suggestion. When I send the same feedback two or three times, they will reluctantly give a reply to acknowledge it. But they do not wish to engage in any discussion to understand the issue. Many years passed and I hear nothing about this matter. My message is to the majority of the people in Singapore - this is the arrogant behavior of the PAP government. They don't know or maybe they don't care about what is really happening in the ground.  It has been happening in this manner for more than a decade under PM Lee HL. It might be the outcome of his bad attitude. Or it might be the attitude of the ministers and top civil servants that he appoints to help him to run the government.

1 comment:

  1. My father said to do like this. My mother said to do like that. My girlfriend said to do don't know what. Who do you think I should listen to?
