Sunday, June 14, 2020

Take contact tracing to an insane level

I consider that the ministers in the task force are insane. They have taken contact tracing to an insane level. The most recent example is to require the taxi drivers to issue receipts to their passengers and to ask the passengers to keep the receipts for 14 days for contact tracing. They even want to impose a fine of $50 for non-compliance. It is impractical. It is wasteful. It is ineffective. Already, the country is spending tens of million dollars every month (this is my estimate) to employ "social distancing ambassadors" to capture the contact tracing details of people who visit malls, supermarkets and more business outlets. How much of the contact tracing data are being put to use? I suspect hardly. Why do I say this? I often read reports in the media that highlight the places visited by the infected people. It suggest to me that the people who visited these places should now be alert that they might be infected?  If the authority checked the contact tracing data, they would be able to identify the people who had visited these places at around the same time and ask them to go for testing. Why is this not being done? If this is being done, what is the outcome of this follow up? I did not read any media report about it. If the contact tracing data (that has already been collected at great expense) could not be used, why is the people in charge asking the taxi drivers to take the additional trouble to issue the receipts for the purpose of contact tracing? I feel that they ministers have taken their obsession with contact tracing to an insane level. I also think that it is wrong for them to impose the fine of $50 for non compliance with an insane requirement. It is an abuse of their power.  Do you agree?

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