Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Contact tracing with wearable tracker

Singapore is implemented a wearable tracker for contract tracing.
I remember reading that it is based on the new technology developed by Facebook and Google.
The aim is to consume less energy so that one charge of the battery can last a long time.
I do not know the full technical details - so I shall hazard a guess here.
If there is another person with a similar device nearby, the device will record that person's ID and time.
The wearer will probably have to sync the device to a PC or mobile device at regular intervals and a check is made against a database showing the ID of infected persons and the period of infection.
If the wearer has been in contact with this person during the period, the wearer is alerted about the possible infection.
I will develop a database to simulate this contact tracing concept.
There is no record of the location of contact or the identity of the persons.
Do you think that this is the approach adopted in the wearable tracker?

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