Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Unique Passwords

We need to use the same password, so that we can remember them. However, there is a risk that if the password is hacked, the hacker can use the same password to access many other websites. Google now warn me that my password has been exposed and asked me to change them in the websites that they are being used.  It is really a big hassle.  I have now decided to adopt the following approach.  I will still use a common website, such as zyz1234#. It contains a letter, , number and special symbol. I will use this same password for various websites by add a prefix, e.g. G for Google, Z for Zoom, F for Facebook. So, my password is Gxyz1234#, Zxyz1234#, Fxyz1234#. I have now added a capital letter. Of course, some websites that have the same starting letter will have the same password, but it will only apply to a few. Do you like this idea?

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