Saturday, June 13, 2020

Failed to carry out what was promised

The minister promised to improve the facilities in the foreign workers' dormitories after the Little India Riots.

What was done by the ministry of manpower afterwards?

If the ministry was serious in dealing with the problems, we would not have the massive infection among the foreign workers, leader to the circuit breaker that cost the country over $90 billion.

Friend - in case you do not know, it is over $90 BILLION, and not $90 million. OK?

Let me ask you. Do we have competent PAP ministers? Should we continue to vote for PAP? Do we want Singapore to be doomed?…


  1. 2013/14 little india, and fast forward to 2020, the ministry import of blanga Indian foreign workers likely to more than double in numbers, defying and disregard their fiduciary duty and promise to plan properly, all in the hidden greedy agenda of gdp, building and over building. U see scores of new blanga queuing every day for medical checkups for on boarding process to singapore

  2. During this period 2013 to 2020, all signs leading to ultimate breakdown were there - lifts breakdown, trains breakdown smrt has to be privatised eventually, crampy delayed trains, escalators kept breakdown, more litters, more unnecessary continuous repair, digging and redigging of roads and pavements causing noise pollution, use of bloody noisy pollutive blowers by blanga to sweep the public roads and parks


  3. Hahaha....

    Aiya..what little India riot? Everything ok lah!

    In fact, they had breakfast celebration together after the riot.


  4. If 90 BILLION were to divide by 5.7 million of the population, how much will EACH INDIVIDUAL get? COUPLE in one household will get how much? 90% will NOT be worrying about being jobless
    for at least 18 months. To be fair to 90% of the population, now 90 billion has been spent, but little gain? It was just about saving businesses?

    “It's not about making the right choice.
    It's about making a choice and making it right.”
    ― J.R. Rim,

  5. It was making sure that landlords get their rents. Having these people make enough money during good times. If 90 billion were given to individuals, 70 per cent of married couples will definitely have more children knowing that thay one spouse can afford not to work for a few years. Some lower-income families of 8 can afford a bigger home translate to quality living. Grandparents have space to stay in with help of grandchildren rather than tugging them to and fro. More children would not have to be latch-key. So what if more businesses closed down. Retirees would not have to depend on their children for their monthly money. There is more help giving the money to each and every human than saving the landlords If 50% of the businesses closed down, and people are out of jobs people will survive with the money out of 90 Billion?

  6. If the government wants to maintain its standard of revenue, wouldn't it be wise to save the businesses first?
