Sunday, June 14, 2020

Give feedback to the govt to simplify their schemes

Many govt schemes are very complicated. The citizens are confused.  Some of the confusing schemes affect millions of people - such as CPF, HDB, Medishield Life and CPF Life. The confused people have to approach other people for advice and guidance. I am often approached to give answers to many questions.   Some of the questions are about the details of the scheme. Some are about the rationale of the scheme. I try to answer some - if I know the answer. At other times, I ask them to refer to the relevant agency, e.g. CPF, HDB, etc. I often get a reply - they did approach the agency but the staff is not able to give a clear answer, or the answer is inconsistent. So, they approached me. This has been going on over the years, maybe more than one or two decades. As residents affected by these confusing schemes, we should not allow the matter to continue. We should bring them to the attention of the ministers and the members of parliament. They should be aware about the problem faced daily by millions of people. We need to put pressure on the leaders to make fundamental changes. They have to simplify their complicated schemes, so that the people know how to use the schemes to meet their daily needs. Do you agree?

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