Tuesday, September 01, 2020

WOTC - Best performing minister

 Wisdom of the Crowd: Which minister has the best performance? 48% of the respondents chose Ong Ye Kung. 26% close Lawrence Wong.



  1. He is a blessing to Singapore & its people
    Genuine & sincere
    Not for monetary gains
    Having a moral obligation
    A good public speaker
    Please look after your health.
    Thk U.

  2. Heartfelt speech by a Prime Minister,

    Next parliament could you please talk about,

    The cost of living,

    The pressurise education system,

    The low birth rates,

    The sky-high price of bird cages in the air,

    Why one-is-enough for private properties when a minority can afford without stretching or a risk to the bank? It seems to some that there are surpluses of homes in the market? To rid of speculators could it be better if some can only buy and sell certain figures within a 5 year period? Not everything should be Pay And Pay?

    Hope you do realise that your 4G ministers are not as what you describe. 68% of the people describe them as brainless?

    As only you can give a convincing speech, you should also come out and set the record straight on some of these matters. Thank You.

  3. HOUSING LOAN PACKAGES (UP TO 75%) – Subject to changes

    • Fresh funds deposit of $500K and above – Reduction of 0.05% for the first 2 years and thereafter reduction of 0.10%
    • Applies to housing loan facility and private completed property only
    • Equity loan facility not applicable

    Conditions :

    1. Placement of minimum SGD200K fresh funds and above in the form of Eligible Deposits or Eligible Investments upfront or within 1 month of FL issuance date
    2. Fresh funds are to be with the bank for the whole loan tenor
    3. Reduction in interest rates are not applicable to Fixed rate packages

  4. Is cockle an economist or a lawyer. (answer-he is both)

  5. Lee Brand is known worldwide. Father and Son.

  6. Hopefully, God is kind to us. Allow us to have LHL till when he is ninety if his health permit.
