Tuesday, September 01, 2020

WOTC - Minister with poorest performance

 Wisdom of the Crowd: Which minister has the poorest performance? 74% chose Josephine Teo. 15% chose Gan Kim Yong.


  1. The media is putting a lot of emphasis on the few people that are destroying, while it won't report on the silent majority of people who are constructing, building and trying to find their way.
    Tariq Ramadan

    When the silent majority opens its mouth, it is usually to yawn.
    Gerd de Ley
    Inspirational, Funny, Majority

    Remember, always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty. Always remember, others may hate you. But those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.
    Richard M. Nixon


  2. Pass holders increased in salary puts up costs in businesses and with operational costs can only go one way, and that is up, which in turn pass the cost to consumers. Can they ever solve anything without severe consequences or digging more holes? One reason their votes are falling. Anytime policy changes, it was never for better because another group/ groups suffers. Never used money to solve problems, it can only cause more money problems. If this is the kind of ministers and leaders they have, they only deserve 55% of the votes.

  3. Yes to the minimum wage for Pass Holders

    No to minimum wage brought up by oppositions.

    It is not about what you know, but who you know.

    Too much wayang to find the difference.

  4. If that is what we have in the cabinet now, might as well vote for the opposition. After all we have nothing much to lose

  5. Grab taxi app, Apple's iPad, the Google search engine--Its sheer simplicity, easy to use and the "usefulness" recognizably different from what's in parliament oops should be on the market. Astonishing, people find it hard to live without these products.

  6. Cabinets should not be a place for popularity contests. Same as the parliament.
    It should be a place to decipher hard decisions.
