Saturday, December 19, 2020

How to use technical analysis

 In this article, I explain how I use technical analysis combined with a fundamental approach to make stock investments. It has been profitable for me.


  1. I am single and was about to buy a private property. I have a good income with an international company. As soon as I added my single mother's age as an owner with me, up pop the affordability calculator with words like- to leave contact details as your situation is special. Jeez.


    You only need to "raise your hands”.
    By raising your hands above your head, the food stuck in your throat will go down by itself.

    2. NECK PAIN

    Sometimes you wake up in the mornings with pain in the neck. One reason could be the use of the wrong pillow. In such a situation, you only need to lift your feet, then pull your toes and move your feet in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

    3. CRAMPS

    When you have cramps on your left leg, raise your right hand high, when having cramp in your right leg, raise your left-hand high. You will immediately feel better.


    When the left foot is tingling, swing your right arm with all your strength, when the right foot is tingling, swing your left arm with all your strength.

    Just try it out as it may be useful..🙏

  3. (I am single and was about to buy a private property. I have a good income with an international company. As soon as I added my single mother's age as an owner with me, up pop the affordability calculator with words like- to leave contact details as your situation is special. Jeez.)

    I face a similar complication. Having left my apartment to my ex, the reason that my two children would have a familiar home. I am now living in a one-bedroom studio bought by me but under one of my son's name. I need a roof over my head but am honest enough was to avoid the ABSD. Any correspondence connected to the property, I live the inconvenience of not being the owner. I guess that was the price to pay for not wanting to pay the ABSD.

    Though my ageing mother did not attend school from China, she understood the plain basics about cheng hoo ai lui. She has been telling all her married children and grand-children that if they were to vote for them she would disown them, not realising that though they all frontally agreed, voting is a secret?

  4. A few things to say why the people had to rely on the government:

    They insinuate vile policies, some of which had big holes in which we can only live within the boundaries?

    It is also true that only they make the rules, and our dependability to navigate our own lives comes with acute restrictions?

    Eventually, it is considered so common that our lives are dictated in so many ways that we become dependant or reliant on the government? They chop and change the policies and rules abruptly when it suits them. Meanwhile,
    they have money and power. What do the people have other than being told what to pay and live on the ever-changing digitalisation?

  5. I hardly drive anymore since I moved closer to where I work. The incivility on the roads are

    not worth my blood pressure.The things people do in cars. Honking. Swearing. Cutting to the

    front without signalling. Most drivers are just mean.

    December 21, 2020 8:16 PM

  6. Too firmly in their beliefs,

    Blind to realty

    Only wants to see.......

    Only one man gives us a beacon of hope, might even shield us from being cynical. He is the PM.

  7. I have learned a new word. The word is called 'lapses'. If I am caught by my boss or whoever,

    that I have not been following up or just have been doing the bare minimum for my job, I can

    now call it a 'lapse'.

  8. Politicians made policies with their head, not from the heart, the one very reason it always sounds so good, but only resonate with those above 21 in the 61.24 percentage range.

  9. Whenever Worker's Party manages to attract more Cockles & Nichole Seah, it would really warm the cockles of my heart to see their inability to sustain that 62%.

    A son and his parents owned a private property. When he got married, his wife did not want to stay with his parents. Son and his wife bought a place on their own. Before doing so, the wife insisted on the house that his elderly parents were living in be sold as she did not want them to incur ABSD on their new home and to free his CPF. The house was sold, and his elderly parents bought a resale HDB. Their policies not only failed to dampen the prices but also broken up families.
    Nothing can convince the people that this Government has the heart for the people.

  10. A smart politician(oops should be trader) proposes policies, which should make

    some people better off and nobody worse off? Sad to say,their horse-trading

    lacked humanity.

  11. Policies with a heart do not mean Government wins, perpetrators have nothing to lose but the genuine suffers!
