Sunday, December 20, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Was Donald Trump cheated of his re-election
2. Will the vaccine be safe?
3. Will you take the vaccine early?

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  1. Trump and Macron are discussing leadership and decision making...
    Donald Trump asks Emmanuel Macron how he's able to make such great decisions all the time.

    Macron says "I make sure to communicate with intelligent people and ask their advice."

    Trump: "Well how do you know they're smart?"

    Macron: "I ask them riddles. Observe."

    He calls up Justin Trudeau. "Bonjour, Justin. If your parents have a child and it's not your brother or your sister, who is it?"

    Trudeau: "It's me, of course."

    Macron: "You see?"

    Trump is really impressed and goes home to the White House. He calls up Jared Kushner and says "Hey Jared, if your parents have a kid, and it's not your brother or your sister, who is it?"

    Jared: "Mr. President, let me get back to you on that."

    He opens an investigation, spends millions of dollars of taxpayer money to no avail. A week passes and he happens to mention this to Jeff Sessions during a briefing, who rolls his eyes. "It's me of course."

    Jared calls the president immediately. "Mr. President, I have your answer. It's Jeff Sessions."

    Trump: "Haw haw, no, you idiot, it's Justin Trudeau!"

  2. May the God bless ESM GCT. Thinking of you.

  3. Subject: Wuhan, follow the money

    Some Financial Forensic Research, interesting . . . . . . . .

    The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxo.
    Who, by chance, owns Pfizer (the one who produces the vaccine.)
    Which, by chance, is managed by Black Rock finances.
    Who, by chance, manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (SOROS FOUNDATION).
    Coincidentally, he owns the German company Winterthur.
    Who, by chance, built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan.
    Accidentally bought by the German Allianz.
    Which, incidentally, has Vanguard as a shareholder.
    Which is a shareholder of Black Rock.
    Which controls the central banks and manages about ONE THIRD of the global investment capital.
    Which, incidentally, is a major shareholder of MICROSOFT the property of BILL GATES, who happens to be a shareholder of PFIZER (which sells the miracle vaccine).

    You can’t trust anyone, nothing surprises us these days.
