Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. What are your views of Budget 2021?

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  1. The business community said all the budgets very good. They profit the most.

    That outside of business said sacrificed the whole country for a small group to gain.

    As for me, budgets have little intact on my family, other than one hundred here and there.

    Depends on one's perspective, it is either very good or very bad depending on which group you belong to.

    One thing is for sure, nothing they do can cover every angle. Human nature that if you do not gain, from the billions, your brain and heart automatic tells you that it is an expensive exercise in futility.

    Perhaps I am with the wrong crowd. My crowd 7 out of 10, have become less embracing towards them.

    Wright or wrong, they have sacrificed the nation's money, which with that kind of money, every family could have a free HDB home which most took a lifetime to pay?

  2. Good to remember that companies which received the state's money, some of which did not of need did not return it. My company returned it, and they still paid us a half monthly bonus.
    Then they said the deficit here and there, so the need to increase GST. As if 7% is not torturing enough. Damn Suay to have this type of government.

  3. For something that was so major, till 2015 there was this intelligent man who would give advice from behind. Whether it was heeded or not, it was there. Now we not only have leaders who can only rely on money as an answer to everything. It did not help with a puppet president. Money is being squandered away recklessly and then make compulsory rules to collect it from the people. The people are not having it easy.

    Long live GCT. Pls do the Mahatir.

  4. To be fair to the people of the republic, interviews should be picked randomly from at least

    50 people who will be a good representation of what they felt about the budget. Afterall it

    is the taxpayer's money not anybody's own money. We should not recycle hand-picked people

    who has self-interest, benefitted from the 100 million(oops billions) and who had to say the

    right thing because they have a job to keep. At least once, can we keep it unpolitical?

  5. Robert Half: "People try to live within their income so they can afford to pay taxes to a government that can't live within its income."

    Mark Twain: "What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin."

  6. As suspicious as it looks, it isn't enough to prove that a lot of things are rigged to own advantage.

  7. The budget did not move the stock market.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.In the olden days, all LKY needed is to talk and next working day stocks shot up.👍👍👍👍👍👍.

  8. " When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at are beginning to change."

  9. We do not know what is going behind the scenes. But from the outside looking in things are not looking bright. Unless we are missing something, it seemed that only one man is handling our fate?
    Whether which group is entitled to a longer or shorter stick to the budget or how excessive the private housing market requires cooling measures only depended on one man?
    Most are not really interested in listening to budget speeches, but if you are one of the smaller numbers who had a glimpse of the speech, the 'I' was prominent.
    Do we now have a PM who is just waiting for his way out? Or he is just there to countersign?
    Have a good day.
    February 20, 2021 9:47 PM
