Saturday, July 10, 2021

One party state

A one party state is a better form of government


  1. For years, our poor souls at working places topics on the number of ballots we went through

    and the anxieties we face. If only one government, zero more public flats to ballot or

    purchase. We are already ruled by too many blank cheques!



    *What is the difference between an Ordinary Thief (OT) and a Political Thief (PT)?*

    1.The *Ordinary Thief* steals your money,
    gold chain etc.


    The *Political Thief* steals your future,
    health and business !

    2. The hilarious part is: ..
    The *Ordinary Thief* will choose whom to rob.
    But, you yourself choose the *Political Thief* to rob you.

    3. The most ironic one: ..
    Police will chase and nab the *Ordinary Thief.*


    Police will look after and protect the *Political Thief!*
    That’s the travesty and irony of our current society!


    we blindly say we are not blind !

    4. The stupid part of the whole issue is that we insult and fight the *Ordinary Thief* but we Fight each other for the *Political Thief*

    👍 Too good not to share👍

  3. The deadly price of being a Prime Minister.

    The intensity of the pressure 7/24.

    Being a role model 7/24. Even hair cannot be out of place.

    When doing public duties, smile and wave even if your heart is aching with pain.

    Living 24 hours with bodyguards.

    Must have elephant skin to ignore tyranny insults on social media.

    Being a sandwich. With one hundred pieces of feedbacks from different ministers and groups, picking is like taking sides.

    Easy to make enemies. Cannot please everyone.

    Must have an understanding and supportive family.

    Who wants to be a PM?

  4. For society to mature, Singaporeans shouldn’t rely too much on Government to solve problems: MAS chief.

    It is not we don't want to solve it ourselves, we just can't.

    Single but cannot put my mum as co-owner to my property. Her age and no income. The bank was not able to use my only income as TDSR because of MAS rule.

    People are not able to add spouses' names to their property after marriage. It had to revert back to the beginning as a new sale. It is their private homes and their own money.

    The exhausting decoupling for a second property, even though the family can pass the TDSR and all the fucking rules.

    People had to sell their homes for various reasons to dodge the ABSD.

    The speculators are still active, all because your fucking policies are not working. They now buy new form developers, rent it out for three years before selling. They found a loophole, whereas the genuine and sincere families buying to live are being penalized heavily.

    The art of paperwork just to buy real homes has been frustrating, time-consuming, and indescribable. Unless you have full cash, the process is demeaning.

    How you can be in MAS and stayed there for so long, only God knows, because the genuine buyers are suffering beyond words. All these are no exaggeration.
