Monday, July 12, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

 1. Who is likely to be the next PM of Singapore?

2. How can we encourage business to employ more locals?

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  1. Nowadays, knowledge and information are readily available to the majority. Thanks to their knowledge the privileged are able to make the 'right' decisions at the voting booths every few
    years right? The common people are not to be consistently underestimated by the things leaders do/ did not do and only reactive/not proactive.

    The parternilistic 'father knows best model' fails to recocnised that the decisions made only benefit a small group and which aren't necessary in the interest of society as a whole.

    We are in dire state today we lack leaders with expertise. Oppostions are not the enemy. Virtually 39% feels disatisfied with today's leaders, but no one seems able to change it.

  2. The Unknowns.

    1) Is PM Lee's health doing fine? He seems to be losing excessive weight?

    2) Unless there happens to be a miracle, the votes look to drop drastically. Then what happens? There could be an overhaul in the people when their winning percentage is just slightly over 50%? You cannot have the same people with the same mentality and expect different results?

    There are lots of ifs on the next PM.

  3. The deadly price of being a Prime Minister.

    The intensity of the pressure 7/24.

    Being a role model 7/24. Even hair cannot be out of place.

    When doing public duties, smile and wave even if your heart is aching with pain.

    Living 24 hours with bodyguards.

    Must have elephant skin to ignore tyranny insults on social media.

    Being a sandwich. With one hundred pieces of feedbacks from different ministers and groups, picking is like taking sides.

    Easy to make enemies. Cannot please everyone.

    Must have an understanding and supportive family.

    Who wants to be a PM?

  4. Prime Ministers of India
    Jawaharlal Nehru proved that a rich man can become the country's Prime Minister;

    Lal Bahadur Shastri proved that a poor man can become the Prime Minister;

    Indira Gandhi proved that a woman can become the Prime Minister;

    Morarji Desai proved that an old man can become the Prime Minister;

    Rajiv Gandhi proved that a young man can become the Prime Minister;

    I.K. Gujral proved that a gentleman can become the Prime Minister;

    Deve Gowda proved just about anybody can become the Prime Minister;

    Manmohan Singh has proved that India does not need a Prime Minister!
