Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Was China responsible for the cyber attack on US servers?
2. Was it necessary for Singapore to return to phase 2 Heightened Alert

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  1. Those wielding hammers see only nails.

    The more recently a judge has eaten, the more likely they are to grant parole.

    When Stephen Hawkins gave a lecture in Japan, he was asked not to mention the possible re-collapse of the universe in case it affected the stock market.

    US president has his food cooked by White House stewards to ensure it is safe to eat, wherever he goes.

    For people to believe and trust your leadership, you need to be credible in their eyes.

    A third of the people living in Monaco are millionaires.

    Half of your friends are replaced every seven years.

    The revolving door was invented by a man who hated holding doors open for women.

    Leaders, personal impact and presence is a big help in getting things done.

    The most traumatic incident that someone ever has to go through was the girl who witnessed her five friends burning alive. Speeding aside.

  2. Feelings of being light switches and taps. Turn on and off as they like it.

  3. Imagine a country slips into a period 0f decline. Unemployment is high, young people lack direction, insecurity increases and there is often a threat from a hostile foreign power.
