Wednesday, July 21, 2021

WOTC - Encourage business to employ locals

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 48% of the respondents prefer the government to provide financial incentives for business to employ locals.


  1. Major payment monthly:

    * Rental (Late payment 20% interest charges)
    * Utilities (2 reminders and it will be cut off)
    * Salaries (Cannot be delayed)
    * CPF ( Must pay on time )
    * Maintenance fees ( 20% interest charges for late payment)

    More would be happy to employ local because it is more straightforward. Most bosses would want to pay high salaries to employ locals. A high salary is one of the main factors to keep the staff from job-hopping.

    Why not locals? Their attitude of entitlement, poor work ethic and complete lack of dependability. Even if they are employed, they usually didn't stick beyond their first week.

  2. Students' safety is paramount, says Chan Chun Sing- This statement should be made before the tragic incident or after?
    If this student is in Sec4 then he is probably in that distinguished school for a few years? 1)All that time not one staff or teacher was able to detect the severity of the situation until a murder occurs? 2) How was a student able to smuggle an axe to school? 3) Why was there no follow-up by IMH when he attempted suicide? Just speculating.

  3. We place great emphasis on safety in our schools, and the well-being of teachers and students. Our education system is not only about good academic performance but also helping our kids to grow into happy and well-adjusted persons. PM LEE?

    If people may remember correctly when your wife rang up different schools for Li Yiping, she did not reveal who she was, almost all the schools rejected him because they felt he was a burden? She must have mentioned that he is albino for the school to say they lack recourses for such cases?

  4. Royal Caribbean sent email to each and everyone,that if they no longer wished to sail during

    changed back to Phase 2 period, not to do anything, just dont show up for check in and you

    automatically ..receive full refund within 45 days. Saves the hassle on both ends
