Wednesday, September 01, 2021

WOTC - Is China arrogant?

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 70% of the respondents said that China is not acting in an arrogant manner.

1 comment:

  1. Paternalism takes decisions out of people's hands and dictates what is best for them.

    The former is an abuse of power and the latter is patronizing.

    The belief that the masses are still stupid and are an indication sense of superiority.

    Paternalism prepares the ground for a government of 'experts' which is a total step from a totalitarian regime.

    Government leaders portrayed themselves as good fathers, thus reducing the voters to disempowered children.

    It is unmistakable that in today's information-driven society, people have more power over their lives than in the past.

    Our system may no longer be suited to our modern reality with a globalized economy and a highly educated population.

    Who believes those people anymore except for a few?

    Administrators who aim to disguise the paternalistic nature, but are not doing anything to improve their credibility of the people's welfare and problem, there are aplenty in the service now.
